

Karuna hosts a range of events, workshops and activities throughout the year. Please continue to check this page for details about future events or subscribe to our Newsletter.

16 Guidelines Meditation Series

16 Guidelines Meditation Series

Karuna’s Spiritual Care Practitioners, Venerable Gonpo and Venerable Tsultrim will be hosting a series of meditations that cultivate positive inner qualities. The series is inspired by the Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom’s (FDCW) 16 Guidelines program....

Acting with Patience

Acting with Patience

THIS EVENT HAS NOW ENDED. The world seems to be filled with outrage, impatience, intolerance, and division.💔 But do these really help us to find peace of mind and satisfactory outcomes? Join Karuna’s Spiritual Care Practitioner Venerable Tsultrim for a morning...

Regular Meditation

Regular Meditation

Our regular Meditation sessions are held during the first four Wednesday of the month at Karuna Hospice Services. The sessions focus on beginner techniques and practical exercises for incorporating meditation into your daily life. Each month we will explore the...