Family Support Services

The Family Support Team offers practical, social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual support for patients, carers and family members. The type of support offered is guided by the needs of patients alongside any family concerns.

The support can be delivered via face-to-face visits, telehealth platforms such as FaceTime or by phone interactions which will be guided by patient and family members needs and preference.

The Family Support Team

The team consists of:

  • Social Workers – provide patients, carers and families with connection to practical and social support from external service providers when required; counselling support where appropriate and referral to internal volunteer support when required.
  • Counsellors – provide patients, carers and families with emotional and psychological support as they move through the process of experiencing a life limiting or terminal diagnosis and any challenges that may come with that.
  • Spiritual Care Practitioners – offers inclusive support to patients, carers and family members who would like to talk about any spiritual concerns or interests they may have.

Services Offered

Practical and Social Support – this service provided by a social worker can assist patients and their families to navigate the health system, connect and organise needed support services, address practical financial, legal and insurance issues as well as assisting with advance care planning documentation, including a statement of choices.

Counselling – this service provided by qualified counsellors can assist in addressing any emotional or psychological concerns that may arise as a result of:

  • the diagnosis of a life limiting or terminal illness,
  • the significant changes that often occurs to a family’s life and circumstances when caring for someone at home,
  • the practical and emotional adjustments that will be required as circumstances and needs continue to change during the course of an illness.

Spiritual Support –spiritual support and care is integral to many people who are experiencing a life limiting or terminal illness.  Karuna’s spiritual support is a non-sectarian, non-dogmatic service offered our Spiritual Care Practitioners who supports any patient, carer, or family member, of any spiritual or religious faith or tradition or who has no spiritual belief or tradition, but where connecting with “spirit” is a fundamental part of the process of moving towards end of life, no matter how long or short that time frame might be. This spiritual support is inclusive and offers care to everyone. However, where required, the spiritual support worker may source another person external to Karuna to ensure any spiritual needs of our clients are met.

Grief and Bereavement Support – This service is offered by all members of our family support team and is based in providing a continuity of care to our families. Grief is unique to each individual and often starts well before the end of life.  The grief a patient, carer or family member experiences can be quite different, and our counselling team will help you to understand and process your grief as you come to terms with the losses that you may experience.  Our bereavement support continues after the death of a loved one and is tailored to your individual experience of loss and grief.

Help us improve our services
We appreciate feedback on the services you and your family member receive from Karuna, as it provides us with the opportunity to continuously improve our services.
 to complete our Feedback Form.