My 1st Ironman

Oct 1, 2024

My name is Angus. Last month I wrote to you about my Pa, Serge, a former Karuna patient. You might remember, that at the time I was preparing for my first Ironman 70.3. And my goal was to raise funds for Karuna as I trained, in honour of my grandfather.

I’m so proud to share with you that I successfully completed my first Ironman 70.3 in Mooloolaba on September 8. Along the way, I’ve raised an incredible $3,623 for Karuna. This would not have been possible without the help of my community. My family, friends, colleagues, and Karuna supporters like you.

My family did not know about Karuna’s services before my Pa received a terminal diagnosis. He was in their care for just one month before his death. During this time, we received visits from Karuna’s nursing team. They cared for my Pa with unlimited kindness and respect. And their presence enabled us to say a beautiful and personal goodbye to Pa on our own terms. I will always be grateful for the time they gave us.

My Pa set the best example for me of what it means to love and to be selfless. He advocated for those in need and worked without the need for reward. His passion for giving back to others is what inspired me to raise funds for Karuna while I trained for my race.

Preparing for the race had its setbacks along the way. I had to learn how to balance fatigue and nutrition from training, alongside work and study. When race day arrived, I admit I felt nervous… but I was also really excited.

Many of my wonderful friends and family came down to cheer me on. It was very special to see and hear them throughout the day. Their love and encouragement was a huge motivator for me.

I also felt my Pa’s presence on the day. There were a few times throughout the race that I had to pause and ask him, “What am I doing!?” But mostly I felt his love and encouragement surrounding me and my loved ones. I knew he would be proud of me if I just tried my best.

Luckily, my best was good enough to finish the race. I’m so stoked about that, and I know he would have been too.

If I have learned one thing since my Pa was in Karuna care, it’s that loss can be incredibly hard. But it means so much to be able to share a small part of my Pa with you. I know now that the difficult feelings of grief and loss that followed his death, were only so painful because of the amount of love and meaning that he brought to my life.

I believe that Karuna’s services are essential for families facing a terminal diagnosis. You may already know that Karuna care is offered free of charge to patients and their families. This helps to relieve some of the financial and emotional toll that a palliative diagnosis brings. However, it also means that community support is vital to the continuation of Karuna care.

I am fortunate now to be in a place where I can openly talk about my Pa. I can look back on our beautiful memories together. I can pass on his messages and values. And the sadness doesn’t overwhelm me too much.

But there is no timeline on grief. I know that for many Karuna families, their grief is still current. They are still struggling with their loss. When I advocate for Karuna, I am doing so on behalf of those families. Families who will benefit from access to services like counselling or spiritual support for months and years to come.

If you have already donated to Karuna’s Spring Appeal, thank you so very much. I have appreciated every hello, every kind message and every donation, no matter how small. I was already excited for the opportunity to give back, but it has been amazing to feel the Karuna community around me these last few weeks. I am so grateful for the compassion you have shared with me.

I set a goal of raising $5,000 to support Karuna. But that is only a fraction of the $30,000 target for their Spring Appeal. My Pa taught me that every gesture of kindness can make a difference, no matter how small. If you are able, please consider making a gift today to help Karuna.


Your support helped Karuna care for my family through the loss of my Pa. I know there are many other families who will benefit from the same kindness. Thank you.

With gratitude,