Below are some frequent questions we are asked. If you require further information or support, please visit our Contact Us page.
Do I have to pay for Karuna’s services?
No. Karuna’s service is free to all. However to continue to provide our service we do rely on the financial support of the wider community and the gratitude of families we care for.
How does Karuna provide safe, professional and quality services?
Karuna measures quality assurance and improvement against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS), the National Standards Assessment Program for palliative care (NSAP), and the Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC).
Do I have to be Buddhist to use Karuna's services?
No. Karuna cares for clients of all religious (and non-religious) beliefs. We respect and support the religious and spiritual beliefs and observances of our clients.
I live alone and do not have a full-time carer. Can I still receive the service?
Yes, you can still receive the services of Karuna, however you do need the support of a full-time carer if you plan to stay at home for the end-of-life stage in your illness.
What are my options if I am unable to be cared for at home?
Community supports and volunteer services can be arranged or we can refer you to hospitals or palliative care units.
Is there a waiting period for admission?
There is no waiting time. Admission depends on your eligibility for the services, which will be discussed with you or your advocate on inquiry.
How do I provide feedback regarding the services we received?
We appreciate feedback on the services you and your family member receive from Karuna, as it provides us with the opportunity to continuously improve our services. CLICK HERE to complete our Feedback Form.
To provide general feedback about Karuna, please CLICK HERE.
How can I make a donation to support Karuna
Click here to learn about more making a donation to Karuna.